What are the differences in livestock tag types, sizes, and colors?
All measurements INCLUDE the neck of the tag. For the best visibility/contrast, we recommend a lighter color such as yellow, white, green, pink, or blue. Classic purple can be difficult to read in some situations. The yellow and white tags are by far the most popular colors since they provide a good contrast with the black printing. Lasered black tags have an off-white color font and are slightly more expensive.
Two-Piece Tags consist of a female tag paired with a male tag that has a piercing stem. Learn more here. All font is laser engraved with management codes also having an ink overlay. Allflex offers three tag applicator options for two-piece tags - the black UTT3S, the red Universal Total Tagger, and the turquoise Global Retractomatic applicator.

- Super Maxi tags are 4 5/8" high x 3" wide. This is the largest tag offered by Allflex and is recommended for mature cattle, cows, and bulls. The longer neck allows the tag to hang further down out of the ear for better visibility. Classic Purple is not available in Super Maxi tags.

- Maxi tags are 4" high x 3" wide. This tag is the most popular size and is a good choice to use with cows and bulls. Maxi tags may also be a good choice for calves if more information (logo, lines of text) is featured on the tag.
- Large tags are 3" high x 2 1/4" wide. This tag is actually relatively small and is recommended for calves.

- Medium tags are 2" high x 1 5/8" wide. This tag is an economic identification option when large print/increased visibility is not required. Only recommended for use with small calves or sheep and goats.

- Sheep Mini tags - 1 1/2" high x 1 1/2" wide

- Hog tags - 1 1/2" high x 2 1/4" wide
- Integra Tags - 1 5/8" high x 2 1/4" wide

- Piglet tags - 1 1/4" high x 1 1/4" wide
One-Piece Tags consist of a visual tag with a piercing stem attached to fold behind the animal's ear after application. All font is laser engraved with management codes also having an ink overlay. Allflex offers two tag applicator options for one-piece tags - the black V.2 ATAG applicator and the yellow ATAG applicator.
- ATAGs for Cows are 4.5" high x 3" wide - comparable in size to the Super Maxi tags.
- ATAGs for Calves are 3.3" high x 2.4" wide - between the size of the Maxi and Large tags. (The ATAG calf style depicted above is discontinued as a shorter neck style was recently released with images coming soon.)